JOURNEYS: BR STEAM 1952-1967: LONDON MIDLAND REGION LOCOS: ----------------------------------------------------------------- date no name route ----------------------------------------------------------------- ? 52 46100 Royal Scot Birmingham-Rugby 14/04/53 45609 Gilbert & Ellis Is Bredon-Gloucester E 14/04/53 44848 Gloucester E-Bredon 16/04/53 40917 Bredon-Bristol TM 16/04/53 40917 Bristol TM-Bredon 04/01/54 45664 Nelson Bham NS-Derby 04/01/54 44815 Derby-Bham NS 05/01/54 45515 Caernarvon Dudley Port-Crewe 05/01/54 41167 Crewe-Manchester LR 05/01/54 44942 Manchester LR-Dudley Port 21/04/54 44661 Cheltenham-Bristol TM 21/04/54 41156 Bristol TM-Bredon 22/04/54 41178 Cheltenham-Bredon 01/06/54 58903 Bham NS Circular tour 13/06/54 41156 Bham-Bristol-Swindon-Bham 14/08/54 42728 Hereford-Woofferton 31/12/54 45660 Rooke Bham NS-Cheltenham 31/12/54 45561 Saskatchewan Cheltenham-Bham NS 02/02/55 45601 British Guiana Bham NS-Coventry 02/02/55 45647 Sturdee Coventry-Bham NS 21/02/55 41228 Leamington-Rugby 21/02/55 46236 City of Bradford Rugby-Crewe 21/02/55 46106 Gordon Highlander Crewe-Bham NS 09/03/55 41279 Bham NS-Rugeley 09/03/55 41279 Rugeley-Bham NS 20/06/55 45733 Novelty Bham NS-Coventry 20/06/55 45737 Atlas Coventry-Bham NS 22/06/55 45647 Sturdee Bham NS-Euston 22/06/55 45742 Connaught Euston-Bham NS 09/07/55 45265 Bham NS-Bristol TM 25/07/55 45709 Implacable Euston-Bham NS 07/09/55 45685 Barfleur Bham NS-Gloucester E 07/09/55 45663 Jervis Gloucester E-Bham NS 08/11/55 41285 Leamington-Rugby 08/11/55 46237 City of Bristol Rugby-Crewe 08/11/55 45567 South Australia Crewe-Stafford 08/11/55 45670 Howard of Effingham Stafford-Bham NS 06/12/55 40932 Worcester SH-Bham NS 28/12/55 45625 Sarawak Bham NS-Rugby 28/12/55 44714 Rugby-Bham NS 25/01/56 46254 City Stoke on Trent Bham SH-Leamington 28/01/56 46254 City Stoke on Trent Bham SH-Leamington 08/02/56 46210 Lady Patricia Bham SH-Leamington 18/02/56 46210 Lady Patricia Leamington-Bham SH 18/02/56 46210 Lady Patricia Bham SH-Leamington 25/02/56 45742 Connaught Bham NS-Euston 25/02/56 45625 Sarawak Euston-Bham NS (via Northamp) 10/03/56 45709 Implacable Bham NS-Rugby 14/03/56 45647 Sturdee Bham NS-Rugby 02/07/56 45056 Bham NS-Bath GP 02/07/56 40568 & 34040 Bath GP-Evercreech Jc 13/07/56 45716 Swiftsure Rugby-Bham NS 20/10/56 44914 & 45688 Bham NS-Euston 20/10/56 45448 Euston-Bham NS 21/02/57 45074 & 45310 Bham NS-Euston 27/03/57 44914 & 45634 Bham NS-Euston 27/03/57 40356 Peterborough-Leicester 27/03/57 44814 Leicester-Bham NS 15/06/57 45587 Baroda Hereford-Shrewsbury 06/08/57 45680 Camperdown Hereford-Shrewsbury 25/09/57 45071 & 45688 Bham NS-Euston 25/09/57 45605 Cyprus St Pancras-Derby 25/09/57 44775 Derby-Bham NS 26/10/57 45631 Tanganyika Shrewsbury-Hereford 27/01/58 45308 & 46115 Bham NS-Euston 27/01/58 45683 Hogue St Pancras-Derby 27/01/58 45626 Seychelles Derby-Bham NS 08/03/58 42186 Bham NS-Leicester 08/03/58 45598 Basutoland Leicester-St Pancras 08/03/58 44805 Derby-Bham NS 15/03/58 46159 The Royal Air Force Dudley Port-Crewe 15/03/58 46136 The Border Regiment Crewe-Bham NS 05/04/58 45688 Polyphemus Bham NS-Coventry 05/04/58 40207 Coventry-Rugby 05/04/58 46122 Royal Ulster Rifle'n Rugby-Euston 05/04/58 46206 Princ's Marie Louise Euston-Rugby 05/04/58 42267 Rugby-Bham NS 26/04/58 44815 Bham NS-Bristol TM 26/04/58 44815 Bristol TM-Bham NS 04/06/58 45262 Bham NS-Bristol TM 04/06/58 44662 Bristol TM-Bham NS 09/06/58 44819 Bristol TM-Bham NS 02/09/58 41318 Tipton St Johns-Exmouth 02/09/58 41306 Exmouth-Exeter C 05/09/58 46115 Scots Guardsman Euston-Rugby 05/09/58 45505 Royal Army Ordnce C Rugby-Coventry 29/09/58 44873 & 45530 Bham NS-Euston 29/09/58 45709 Implacable Euston-Bham NS 21/11/58 45675 Hardy Leicester-Manchr C 21/11/58 44717 Liverpool C-Manchr C 21/11/58 44816 Manchr C-Leicester 21/11/58 44822 & 44816 Derby-Leicester 11/04/59 43017 Evesham-Bham NS 11/07/59 44688 Kings Norton-Milford Jc 18/07/59 44206 Milford Jc-Rotherham 18/07/59 44082 Rotherham-Bham NS 08/08/59 45738 Samson Rugby-Bham NS 22/08/59 45666 Cornwallis Euston-Bham NS 03/10/59 44919 Northfield-Lincoln 03/10/59 44919 Lincoln-Kings Norton 03/10/59 45605 Cyprus Northfield-Sheffield 03/10/59 45605 Cyprus Sheffield-Bham NS 05/03/60 45644 Howe Shrewsbury-Hereford 19/04/60 45570 New Zealand Bristol TM-Gloucester E 19/04/60 45685 Barfleur Gloucester E-Bristol TM 19/04/60 45649 Hawkins Bristol TM-Bham NS 28/01/61 45272 Bham NS-Peterborough 28/01/61 45272 Peterborough-Bham NS 22/05/61 44831 Bham NS-Crewe 22/05/61 46135 The East Lancs Regt Crewe-Bham NS 29/07/61 45021 Bham NS-Crewe (via Aston) 29/07/61 45180 Crewe-Bham NS 26/08/61 44712 Bham NS-Coventry 04/09/61 45599 Bechuanaland Bham NS-Stafford 04/09/61 45237 Crewe-Preston 04/09/61 42652 Preston-Blackpool S 05/09/61 44767 Blackpool C-Preston 05/09/61 46102 Black Watch Preston-Carlisle 05/09/61 46227 Duchess Devonshire Carlisle-Preston 07/09/61 44743 Blackpool C-Preston 08/09/61 45205 Blackpool C-Crewe 08/09/61 45547 Crewe-Dudley Port 10/03/62 46123 Royal Irish Fusilier Bham NS-Wigston Jc-St Pancras 10/03/62 46123 Royal Irish Fusilier St Pancras-Wigston Jc-Bham NS 24/03/62 46125 3rd Caribinier Shrewsbury-Pontypool Rd 24/03/62 45554 Ontario Pontypool Rd-Shrewsbury 31/03/62 45643 Rodney Shrewsbury-Pontypool Rd 31/03/62 45354 Pontypool Rd-Shrewsbury 21/04/62 45425 Pontypool Rd-Shrewsbury 06/08/62 44888 Bham NS-Carnforth 06/08/62 45696 Arethusa Carnforth-Windermere 06/08/62 45696 Arethusa Lakeside-Carnforth 06/08/62 44888 Carnforth-Bham NS 22/09/62 53808 Weymouth-Broadstone-Bath GP 06/06/64 45721 Impregnable St Pancras-Trent-Leeds W Jc 21/06/64 46251 City of Nottingham Shrewsbury-Paddington 23/06/64 44965 Gloucester E-Worcester SH 26/06/64 45280 Bristol TM-Worcester SH 12/07/64 46251 City of Nottingham Bham NS-Carlisle 12/07/64 46255 City of Hereford Carlisle-Leeds 12/07/64 45647 Sturdee Leeds-Stalybridge-Crewe 12/07/64 46155 The Lancer Crewe-Bham NS (via Handswth) 24/10/64 44837 Wolverh'n-Blackpool N 28/11/64 45018 Carnforth-Carlisle 28/11/64 46160 Qn Victorias Rifle'n Carlisle-Leeds 28/11/64 45647 Sturdee Leeds-Stalybridge-Crewe 17/01/65 46512 Oswestry-Llanfyllin-Gobowen 28/02/65 41206 & 4666 Tipton SJ-Exmouth-Exeter C 29/03/65 44560 Templec-Highbridge-Templec 04/04/65 44566 Bristol TM-Bath GP 04/04/65 48309 Bath GP-Bourne W 12/06/65 44777 Bham SH-Cheltenham-Bath GP 11/12/65 45134 Saltley-Leeds 11/12/65 45697 Achilles Leeds-Carlisle 16/04/66 45287 Bham SH-Shrewsbury 16/04/66 45287 Shrewsbury-Bham SH 19/08/66 45280 Chester-Shrewsbury ----------------------------------------------------------------- Back to Index